Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spanish-American War (1898)

Causes: How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War?

1. American business owners: The American business owners invested millions of dollars in sugar cane plantations in Cuba and they supported Cuba. This made Spain angry.

2. José Martí: He was responsible for a revolution between Cuba and Spain. He supported Cuba and he wanted a free Cuba. Using a guerrilla campaign he deliberately destoryed property especially American-owned sugar plantations and mills.

3. Valeriano Weyler: Spainish General sent to Cuba by Spain. Weyler tried to crush the rebellion by herding the entire rural population of centeral and western Cuba to barbed wire concentration camps.

4. Yellow journalism: Stories of poisioned wells and children being fed to the sharks deepened America's sympothy for the rebels. This sensational style of writing which exagrates the news to lure and enrage the readers.

5. De Lôme letter: A private letter written by Enrique Dupuy de Lome. The letter criticized President Mckinley calling him "weak" and a bidder for the administration

6. U.S.S. Maine: Boat sent by President Mckinley to bring home American citizens and to protect american property.

Effects: What happened to each of the following territories as a result of the Spanish-American War?

7. Cuba: American naval forces blockaded Cuba, which led to a battle which the United States won. Spain finally freed Cuba.

8. Puerto Rico: Spain turned Puerto Rico over to the United States.

9. Guam: Spain turned Guam over to the United States.

10. Philippine Islands: Spain sold the Philippines to the United States for $20 million dollars.

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