Thursday, October 15, 2009

child labor reform photographs

Objective Assessment

As you view each photograph take note about what you see. (note people, background, objects) Pretend you were describing the image to someone who could not see it. Try to avoid making judgments.

Where are these children? List any clues relating to their surroundings.
Describe any tools or objects you see.
Describe their clothing. What do their clothes reveal about their work?

Subjective Assessment

What questions do you have about each of these photographs?
Based on your observations, list three things you might infer about the lives of these children. (Be sure to consider Hine's notes about the photographs when considering this.

Photograph A
This young girl is in a mill. I know this because I can see the machinery behind her and her clothes are dirty and also her hair is tied up to keep her hair up out of equipment. Also the lighting is bad and she has to run for sides of the equipment and the lighting is very poor so she could get hurt.

Photograph B
These girls are standing infront of a building in Georgia. I know its in Georgia the caption reads Adolescent girls from Bibb Mfg in Georgia.

Photograph C

This little girl is in a messy mill. I know its a mill because I can see the machinary on both sides of her and I know its messy because there is litter on the ground.

Photograph D
This little boy is a newsie. I know this because he is holding newspapers and he is sitting on the lamp and waiting for people to buy the paper.

Photograph E
These boys are in a coal factory. I know this because they are handling coal and also because the soot is on there face, clothes and in their lungs also at times the soot was so dense it was hard to see.

Photograph F
There are twelve boys in this photo and they are all covered in sweat. they are in a factory. I know they are in a factory because I can see the machinary on the right and around them.
Photograph G
These people are in a factory. There job is to shuck oysters. I know this because there would be a cart loaded with oysters and they would have to open the oysters with little knives and then throw the shells into a shute. There are also younger children but they arent there to work they are there because there was no babysitters.

Photograph H
These children are going to work at night. I know this because it is dark out and they are dressed for work. I also know this because they are standing outside their workplace. Also its nightime and the lighting in the factory wont be very bright so the young children can get hurt.

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